Sunday, August 12, 2018

Lovers - The Muse and The Passion

Writing has been my passion, but even this passion seems to wane at times and then it is as if the muse pouts for the passion taking a break. The muse and the passion work hand in hand and are in a relationship as two lovers. It is amusing to watch them - very much in love - but unwilling to take the first step to reconciliation. Not wanting to be the one giving in, yet being aware that in this struggle they are both losing out on something beautiful. That is when intervention becomes essential. 

Cannot let this relationship die because the two parties are being unreasonable. That would be a colossal loss as together they foster peace, joy and a sense of fulfillment for the Universe they reside in. 

As a witness to this tiff between the two I have seen the muse rise,  bring up an idea, develop a theme and want to express itself but being incapable of doing so without the cooperation of the passion. Unfortunately the passion has too many interests. These days its biggest preoccupations are the political news, soaps and web-games. The tragedy lies in the fact that these diversions bring neither joy nor peace and are not fulfilling. They simply take up time and energy and muddy the pristine environment in which the muse is best nurtured. 

Intervention would require that the distractions be put aside. A tall order in the present environment where the news cycle is so pervasive with the constant bickering caused by a warped mind set of fear. As for the soaps - they are just a way to let one feel superior to the antagonists and to identify with the protagonists - knowing fully well that this has very little to do with reality. The worst culprit though, is undoubtedly the web games. It is as if mastering the games proves something when it does no such thing. All these distractions are the mind taking control and disallowing  peace to take hold. Meditation, reading, writing, needlework bring a calmness that the ego is constantly fighting. From this calmness comes a sense of space and energy, that nurtures realization of the true potential of the mind and the spirit; and where the spirit rises the ego seems to lose its identity.

Hey, Mr Ego - you are an essential part of this Universe. I know, because you reside in me. I am your Universe. It is impossible for me to exist without you. Stop being so pushy. Lie low and watch what big things can be achieved. Taking control is a horrible habit to develop. It drains your energy, makes you fearful and no good comes out of it. Consciously let Mrs Spirit come forth. She will lovingly co-exist with you, help you regain your energy, edify you and together you will bloom.”

The muse is asleep. The passion has drained it of its energy. Now the Universe needs to collaborate with the environment to make it possible for the muse to rise, feeling loved and needed. The environment will need to be changed so the distractions can be put aside and the passion can be re-directed to open its arms to the muse. Meditation will start the process then reading and  needlework will help fill the gaps that have distanced the lovers, for the muse is inspired by the passion indulging in these calming activities. These lovers belong together and their Universe will conspire to keep them together. It must. 

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